I-MOVE sponsors a fellowship scheme targeting experienced researchers with the objective to promote incoming and outgoing mobility between European and Associated States on one side and Italian research laboratories (also with links with the region of Umbria) on the other side in the fields of genomics, genetics, informatics and nanotechnologies applied to all aspects of life sciences.
The programme is aimed at promoting the development of international mobility in order to accelerate interaction between industry and academia in favour of competitiveness and innovation.
Fellows holding a Ph.D. degree or an M.D. with subsequent medical specialization (considered equivalent to the Ph.D. for the scope of this programme), or having at least four years of full-time research experience, can apply for either long- or short-term fellowships, the scheme is open to the whole national and international scientific community in line with the eligibility criteria set out by the European COFUND programme (under the FP7 Marie Curie Actions), co-financer of the initiative in the setting of the Marie Curie actions of the 7th Framework Program of the European Union.
I-MOVE project, started in February 2012 and ended on January 31st 2017, has funded 32 fellowships generating over 30 publications on the main scientific journals.
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